Wednesday, May 19, 2010

To Keep You Busy

The clock is ticking and we will soon be taking off for vacation. I think I've done everything that I'm going to get done before the trip. At this point I'm just at the computer having fun (for a change). So let me take this opportunity to give you some things to amuse you in my absence . . . This is mostly for Tina because I know she'll be looking for ways to waste time while I'm away. ;-)

First of all, I forgot to post more pictures from San Francisco, so if you would like to see them, please click here.

I have been enjoying the reactions of most folks when I answer the very popular question of "Where are you going?" Three years ago I remember all the strange questions we got about Croatia. "Why would you go there? Is it safe?" I didn't quite understand the safely questions until we were actually there and Karlo showed me the war-torn buildings. I never really paid much attention to world news back in the 90s so I was clueless. Seems like we are not getting the same reaction to telling people we are going to Croatia this time and I think that is because of two reasons:

  1. Instead of saying that we are going to "Croatia" I'm saying "Dubrovnik" which is the city in Croatia where we are staying. For sure nobody has even heard of Dubrovnik so they don't ask many questions.
  2. As soon as I follow up the Dubrovnik sentence with, "Then we are sailing to Montenegro" that's when Dubrovnik and Croatia loose any spotlight.

People's immediate reaction is, "Where the heck is Montenegro and why the heck would you go there on vacation?" Now I have to admit, if it wasn't for Karlo I would not be going there on vacation, and more importantly would have no idea where Montenegro is either!

So if you're in the same boat and are curious about both Dubrovnik and Montenegro, grab a cup of joe, sit back and come to the Adriatic with me . . .

First a little info about Dubrovnik:

Next, a little introduction to Montenegro. This is where we will be sailing and biking. Please keep the biking portion in mind when you see the mountains touching the sea. Can you imagine the pedaling involved to get anywhere around there? Yikes.

Oh, and one last thing . . . I also finally got around to adding a blog posting on my web site.

Hope you enjoyed the distractions. Be back in two weeks to distract you further . . .


joven said...
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tina said...

oh you know me so well!! thanks for keeping me busy and i cant wait to see your next postings. have a great time guys!!!