Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Uncle Nino

A few nights ago Karlo and I watched a charming movie called Uncle Nino. It was about an old Italian man that comes to the US to visit long lost family. As the movie opens you're in a scene from the old country looking at vistas of the tall 'Tuscany trees' and lush countryside. It was so beautiful and Karlo questioned, "Why would anybody ever leave there?" He personally migrated from Europe, but he had very good reasons to do so. But as far as I know, the living conditions in Italy where never what they were behind the Iron Curtain. So I do wonder, why the heck would anybody leave the gorgeous scenery and peaceful life in the countryside of Italy and head for New York City? That will always be a mystery.

And this movie really drove home the fact that the old Italians were coming over for the "American Dream," but in reality the life that it gave them was just not as good as the life they left. In the movie the old man comes to visit his completely dysfunctional American family. This family had money and seemingly everything they could want, but they were miserable. It took this old man and his simple little life to show them what was really important. It was so touching and it made me long for an Uncle Nino. I think we could all use one. The closest thing I ever had to an Uncle Nino was Karlo's mother and I'm so sad to have lost her.


tina said...

ok,just make me cry like a baby

tina said...

i could not post a comment on your yogadudes site but i had to let you know that i love your screensaver. and thanks for repeating the instructions because i would not remember how to do it even though i used yours last month too.

lgaumond said...

Was that on Netflix? I'll have to look for that one.

Unknown said...

Yes Lisa, on Netflix. And Tina I cried so much that night that I stuffed my head up so bad my allergy meds didn't help my block head the next day!