It’s that time of year again. I really enjoy this exercise of looking back at my purchases of the year and compiling a list of my favorite things. I saw Oprah’s list this year and, as usual, it was heavily stocked with outrageously over-priced things. If you’re looking for $2,000 earrings, check out her list, but if you want the low down on some super practical, fun, and affordable things, than move over Oprah’s list and hello Paula’s list. So without any further ado, and in no particular order
(well except for #1) here’s my list:
Droid X 
There just aren’t the words to describe how much I love my new phone. I know I already blogged about it so I won’t repeat myself, but this phone is life changing. LOVE it, love it, love it, and just for the record I wouldn’t trade it for an iPhone ever!
Some of you might be saying, “What the heck is musliex and how the heck do you pronounce it?” Musliex is a glorious mix of oats, raisins, and other mysterious things. It’s like granola only healthier. I use it as a mix in my yogurt and it’s become my favorite daily snack. Plain flavored yogurt = good. Musliex + flavored yogurt = great.
Skinny Cow Ice Cream
Holy Lord this is Heaven on Earth. Can somebody please tell me how they got low fat ice cream to taste so good? I first discovered the Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches, but this past summer I found little individual serving cups that were pure bliss.
Chai Latte K-Cups
We got this fancy Keurig coffee making thing last year, but I couldn’t care less. In fact, it bugged me that it had to sit on the counter where I could see it. But this past year I made a splendid discovery. You can buy Chai Latte cups for it and that changed EVERYTHING. Oh my goodness I LOVE these things. It’s as good as going to Dunkin Donuts for a treat, only these don’t make me sick like the DD ones do. What a guiltless little pleasure these are. It’s my weekend treat.
Gorilla Pod Tripod
I bought this little gadget for vacation and if I had a dollar for every time I said “God I love this thing.” it would have paid for itself. As a matter of fact I made such a big deal over how much I loved this little tripod that I hurt Karlo’s feelings because he had already secretly bought me a beautiful carbon fiber, professional, expensive, real tripod and he was convinced that I would no longer want it after gushing over this little gorilla pod. There is a time and a place for both, but if you’re traveling light nothing beats this little gadget.
This magic spread became one of my favorite things on Earth during our last trip to Europe. It’s not always easy to find or get here in the States, but it should be. Imagine peanut butter, only instead of peanuts, it’s chocolate. You can spread it on anything and everything. Greatest invention in the world.
Keen Travel Bag
Remember my post way back when about brand loyalty? Well, Keen is one of those brands that I am very loyal too. They deserve my loyalty because they are truly awesome. All of these products are outstanding and this bag is just perfect. I’ve taken it on several trips so far and I love everything about it. It's comfy and functions like a dream. Everything I could want in a travel bag and it’s built to last.
Eddie Bauer Day Pack
This is a brilliant little invention. We’ve all seen little tote bags that pack into a small little pouch, but this bag is actually a backpack that packs into itself. This thing has come in so ridiculously handy on every trip we’ve ever taken with it. I was just in Eddie Bauer and they no longer carry these. I’m wishing I bought more than one.
Silk Moose Pants
I’m just now realizing that most of my favorite things have come as a result of vacations. I guess vacations in general will always make my list of favorite things. I picked up these silk moose lounge pants in Bar Harbor and I love every possible thing about them. The comfort, the feel, the seriously cuteness. Love them.
Hat Scarf
Why bother buying a hat and a scarf separately when you can have one that serves as both? Once again, I was on a trip
(training in Maine) and a couple of snowboarding chicks where always wearing the coolest headware. I was determined to find something funky fresh for myself and I did. I love this thing. It’s the softest wool and super warm. I am so ready to try it out in the real cold. I haven’t yet made it out of the house with it, but as soon as I took it out of the package I knew it was making my list this year. I want one in every color.
Core Fusion Yoga - Energy Flow
I review a lot of different work-out videos and this was truly one of my favorites. I usually find more that I don’t like than ones that I really do like. This one is a keeper. It’s broken down into five 10 minute sessions and although you may think you can’t get much out of a 10 minute yoga workout, you really can. These guys are serious and they waste no time in kicking your butt. I take this video to work and on the road with me. Not having time to work-out is no longer a valid excuse.
Cambelbak Runners Pack
And speaking of working out, as you already know Karlo and I have been doing some running this year and this little gadget is awesome. The first few times I ran with my phone I had a terrible time. The phone was too heavy and pulled my tights down as I ran, and the clip rubbed a dozen layers of skin off my hip. This pack solves that problem. I can now hook my phone onto the belt during runs and hikes. Plus I can carry a bottle of water and it even has a little pouch for snacks, keys, or in my case, Kleenex. Super handy and it’s reflective neon which is also a plus for running on the road.
Maxwell's Urban Hang Suite
I discovered this band while listening to Pandora one day. The second I heard the first few measures of music I felt compelled to click over and see who it was. I never heard of them, but instantly decided to buy the CD. I was that sure I would love it and I was right. I love every single song on the CD. It’s not every day I find a band I like this much.
You can check them out here.
Understanding Exposure
I just got this book so it's barely squeaked into my list, but it was an easy add. It's often that I get suckered into buying a book online that I later regret. This book came highly recommended to me by a professional photographer and it's like my new bible. Granted only photographers would be interested in this, but it just so happens I know a few . . . Anyway, it's my favorite book of the year!
This last one isn’t really a product, but rather a means of buying many products on a steal. Groupon is a web site that you join and every day they email you a different deal. When you sign up you get deals local to your city. So far I scored $50 worth of photo books for $15 and dance lessons for 70% off. I’m impressed with the quality of the deals that come through and think it’s a worth while thing to join. No commitment to ever buy a thing, but some of them are pretty hard to pass up. Give it a look
this was great. you gave me many things to get on your list. thans so much for the help :)
Hey Paula, Maybe the boonies don't carry Nutella but Rocky Hill does. I have 2 jars in my cupboard right now. The kids LOVE it Nicole makes a peanut butter and nutella sandwich that she swears taste like a reese's peanut butter cup on bread. Instead of peanuts it has hazel nuts and cocoa powder. The best! I know what to add to my shopping list for YOU!
Holy smokes, peanut butter AND Nutella. Brilliant!!!
I think you're not opening your eyes because Nutella is EVERYWHERE! And fantastically delicious, I agree. It's generally shelved in with the peanut butter. And you can't use Eastford as an excuse because I know you grocery shop in Tolland!
I also agree that Groupon and Gorillapods are awesome, and I love your Keen bag - so cute!
Great list!
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