As a consumer I really don't like being sold to. I can't stand it the second a salesperson starts to sound like a salesperson. It really insults my intelligence. I recently inquired about refinancing our mortgage and after I got attacked by hungry mortgage brokers all trying to 'sell' me their service in their condescending little tones, I completely shut down and aborted my mission. I don't care how much I can save per month, it's not worth dealing with these people. If sales people only knew that the less they talked, the better chances they have of selling me anything.
Another thing that annoys me as a consumer is being deceived. I mean what is worse than deceit? You see this silly little bottle of whatever the heck it is.

You would think I would know what it is considering I pay over $100 per bottle for it, but sadly I'm not quite sure what it is. Yes, I was
sold. I guess the sales lady said very little. Anyway, back to my rant. I'm not quite sure what is worse, the pain of the price tag of this mystery solution or the fact that this is how they package it.

Is that not RIDICULOUS? Is the size of the box supposed to make you feel better for paying some insane amount of money for what's inside? And if it does happen to trick you into thinking you're getting some kind of deal [
which actually did work on me . . . I got this bottle "free" (ha) with a skin treatment that I recently got and my thought was "wow, that's a much bigger bottle than what I have at home. What a great deal I'm getting.] So how do you think I felt when I got home only to find out that the bottle inside that big box was indeed the same tiny size as what I had? The only thing that kept me from flipping out what the fact that it was
(cough cough) so-called 'free.' But still, the deception just irritates me to no end. If you're gonna rip me off, at least do it without deception.
1 comment:
well I hope the stuff does what it claims to and if not then i would be pissed off even more.
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