Saturday, August 1, 2009

I've Been Quiet

I guess I've been pretty quiet this week. Not much to say for a couple different reasons, but mostly because our lives have been all work and not much else. Every spare minute that I've been in front of a computer I spent working on a new web site. It's amazing what a time suck that can be. And it seems like all of my not in front of a computer time has been spent talking about work.

I just realized I forgot to document the fact that Karlo recently accepted a new position at work. This deal has been perculating for a over a month and it's been a lot of deliberation leading up to the offer. So much to discuss . . . the pros, the cons, the workplace drama that it's caused. My goodness, it has been non-stop with the work talk. Karlo is now officially the "Multiaxis Product Manager" and can you imagine a better job for "Multiaxis Man" himself? I'm very proud of him and very excited for him as I know he's passionate about his work. But at the same time I reached my absolute limit on how much I can tolerate the work talk all day and all night. I'm not kidding. 99% of every conversation we've had over the past 2 weeks has been about work.

So as we drove out of the office driveway on Friday afternoon I made a small request that we leave work behind and not speak of it again until Monday. Karlo agreed, but I knew it couldn't be possible. For sure we would spend the weekend in dead silence. But I have to hand it to him. So far he's done an amazing job at shutting off his work switch and I couldn't be happier. We actually got back to life as usual since Friday afternoon.

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