Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I Forbid It

Since Karlo has decided to stop lusting after other motorcycles his love for his current bike has grown even stronger. So much so, in fact, that lately he's been eyeing and talking about trading in the VW Golf (some day) for the new Suzuki cross-over car. When Karlo first showed this car to me a month ago I thought it was cute. It had so much going for it, 4-door hatchback, sporty, AWD, little price tag. How could you go wrong? Karlo looked at this like a glorified motorcycle. And with my past history with Suzukis I could never say a bad word about them. Amazing vehicles and great, very reliable engines. I was all for it.

HOWEVER, I recently saw this advertisement for the car:

And now I forbid it. How dare they even THINK about comparing it to a MINI? Outrageous. I went from liking the car, thinking it was cute and wanting one to being utterly outraged by the ad. Check this out:

MINI owners everywhere are up in arms. OK, maybe I'm not really all that upset. It is sort of funny. Funny to compare a Suzuki to a BMW, that is. But truth be told, I'm only outraged because I think I should be. I still do like the Suzuki. And wouldn't the two look adorable parked next to each other in our garage? Maybe some day . . .

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