Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Finally Wrote My Book – Sort Of

OK, that was very misleading. I haven’t done diddley with my dream of writing a novel. I think I still have the two chapters I started a year ago. But in the meantime I did accomplish something that I always wanted to do. I turned my blog into a book; actually two books. I made one for the first year and another book for the second year. The first year is about 150 pages and last year’s book is over 250 pages. I guess I had a lot to say.

What a hoot it was to go back and read these ‘books.’ It’s amazing how much of my life I would have completely forgotten about had I not documented it. I got a lot of good laughs looking back on the past two years and printing the blog in book form was the greatest idea. I will treasure these books for the rest of my life.

And I can also really appreciate how pleasant my life is at this moment in time. Going back and reliving last Spring was shocking. I still can’t believe I lived through it. Wow. Really makes me appreciate every day of this leisurely summer. Thanks to the books I realized that this is our first year of really enjoying our new house. The first year was nothing but work on the house, and the second year was nothing but more work and stress writing Karlo’s book. This year is bliss in comparison. Finally, we get to enjoy ourselves for a change.

1 comment:

tina said...

so this must inspire you to work
on that novel...