Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Time Store

I need to find a time store . . . a place where I can go and buy more time. If there was only such a place I would spend any amount of money in order to gain more time in my life. It is by far my most precious commodity and always in short supply. I spend most of my life scrambling, trying to get everything that I need to do done. I should be on my way to my first Salsa Fit class right now, but instead I'm paying pills, shipping orders, and getting more inventory to my warehouse so I have to ship less orders in the future. No matter how hard I work to get ahead of my chores they still keep piling up leaving me no free time. Where is that time store?

But on a brighter note, one of my chores tonight was to email the president of the Blue Bird Association. As it turns out the picture I took of the two blue birds about to feed their young is going to be the "Picture of the Week" on their official web site. Go figure. My crazy bird lady neighbor sent the picture to this organization, just to show the fact that the parents were feeding their babies worms, which is apparently a bad thing for them to do. Incidentally, you can NOT believe how much information there is available on blue birds. Who would believe there was an association in the first place? Or that there are blue bird conferences you can attend. Amazing. Anyway, I got completely off track. My neighbor sent this picture to them to ask a technical question and they came back and asked if they could use 'the great picture.' I, of course, was thrilled and honored. I guess all that tormenting I did to those poor birds paid off.

And a further report on the babies. They have since fledged the nest. I'm showing off the new word that I learned, now that I am an official 'blue birder.' Fledging means that they 'flew the coop" so my babies are now gone. And I have another chore to add to my list. Now the blue bird lady wants me to take pictures of the nest to see the effects of feeding the babies worms. I'm not sure, but by the sounds of her description of what normally happens from the worms, the next pictures might not be so cute. More like gross. Can't wait.

1 comment:

tina said...

so all that work you have done
honing your skills as a photographer and getting certain lenses has paid off, congrats!
can't wait to see what ya find in
the nest next.