Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Final July 4th Recap

Because three days just wasn't enough we took Monday off to really get the feeling of a mini vacation. And who could believe the weather turned out nice on Monday too? This was just too much to ask for. And it worked out perfect for our next project. This one has been long awaited and I'm so excited that it's over and done with I'm practically giddy. On Monday morning I FINALLY video taped myself leading a one-hour yoga class. This was the final piece of my yoga teacher training and I've been dreading it and putting it off for 4 months now. What a relief. And it's a miracle that I pulled it off.

First I thought we would do this indoors, only we didn't have enough room to get both me and Karlo into the scene. So we needed to move the production to the deck. Only problem was that I couldn't get my yoga music onto my iPod because I lost the cord. So I tried using another mp3 player and after deleting all my current music (because I don't know how to make a stinkin' playlist on that device) and loading my yoga music, the darn thing craps out and skips out of control. Stress level is rising and patience is dwindling. I literally had to try 4 different ideas until I finally figured out a way to play the music outside. I got everything ready, the camera, the mats, the music, the props. All I needed to do was hit record and DO IT. I was terrified. But it worked. I never actually ran though the whole routine at real timing. The video needed to be one hour and I'll be darned. When I downloaded the video file it was 59 minutes and 59 seconds! The only funny and potentially bad part of the video are the birds chirping out of control. You can barely hear me over all the chirping.

After basking in the glory of having this behind me we decided to take that kayak trip that went bad on Friday. This time we loaded the boat onto the Golf and thankfully nothing went wrong with it. We headed up to MA to bask in the sun. And that we did. No sunscreen. Crispy crisp. We kayaked along a canoe trail for over 6 miles, with only one can of seltzer each. I was so tired and so dehydrated that we aborted our "let's bring Paula to all the cute shops in Sturbridge shopping mission" and went to Friendly's for ice cream instead.

OK, maybe we did go to one store - Marshalls. I wanted another cute birthday outfit. Karlo left me alone while he shopped on his own. Guess what I bought? A cycling jersey. Tina is shaking her head. But I also got two cute shirts to balance out my high-tech purchase. I just shouldn't shop alone.

To see a few more bad pictures from kayaking, please click here.


lgaumond said...

Gorgeous photos! I love the reflecting clouds on the water!

tina said...

i had no idea marshall's sells
those items. i'll make sure to
go there next time...not :)
happy birhtday, again.
love ya