Friday, July 10, 2009

Need to Learn to Speak French

What a surprise it was to go to my work mail box today and find a package from over seas. As soon as I saw the French postage I knew what was inside . . . A colleague that lives in France knows about my passion for cycling and every year he sends me the official guide of the Tour de France. Most of you probably don’t even know that the Tour is going on right now. The USA doesn’t seem to care much about the biggest cycling event in the world–despite the fact that an American has broken every imaginable record and won the Tour 7 times. That would be Lance Armstrong for those completely unaware about biking.

As one of my cycling buddies said, “It’s like the Super Bowl every night for 3 weeks.” Yes, Karlo and I sit on the couch every night and watch a bunch of guys biking. I know it sounds boring, but to us it’s very exciting. It energizes me and makes me long to pedal. Watching the amazing feats that they guys do, seemingly effortlessly just amazes me. One of these days we want to go to Europe and ride a few legs of the Tour. Oh, and by ‘ride’ I mean on a motorcycle. We’re not completely insane! Add that to my Bucket List.

So it looks like I’ll need to learn how to speak French because there isn’t a word of English in the program that I have sitting on my desk. All I can do is drool over the cool bike pictures. I wish I was pedaling right this minute.

1 comment:

tina said...

good luck with the french lessons.
i bet riding the Tour is more fun
than learning the lingo. GO LANCE!!