Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Another Job Lots Score

Do you remember when I blogged about my new favorite clothing catalog . . . the one that was designed especially for Paula? It was called Athleta and the catalog is filled with high tech, but seriously cute and over-priced clothing. Sort of like EMS for chicks. Well, I was at Job Lots this past weekend looking for egg noodles (oh, that reminds me of another story . . .) and I happened to walk past a rack of good looking capris. They seemed to be pulling me over with a force stronger than gravity. I walked over and, to my surprise and delight, the rack was filled with Athleta capris for $10. Such a bargain. I don't think there are any capris on the Athleta site for less than $60. I scooped up two pairs in my size and skipped out of the store with a huge grin on my face. I felt like I just won the lottery. I had my new capris and my egg noodles. Things were looking up.

Until later that night when I prepared the dinner that had been cooking in the Crock Pot all day. I made a huge batch of "Old World Chicken" to go over the egg noodles and the best part of this meal is that it feeds us for three days. So you can imagine how upset I was to find that Karlo decided to throw all the left-over egg noodles down the garbage disposal. What the Hell was he thinking? I've made this meal several times in the past and every time we enjoyed the left over for days. What would possess him, not only to even think about throwing them away, but to do so without even asking me. I wanted to choke him. So after cleaning up all the dishes from dinner, I ended up having to cook more noodles so that the left-over chicken could still be used as a no-work-involved meal. I don't think I'm sharing any with Karlo for the rest of this week. That should teach him.

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