Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Poor Karlo

My poor baby has a cold. I know it's bad when he actually crashes on the couch for the entire night. As much as I feel bad for him, it's working out great for me. All the peace and quiet and extra time I'm getting is wonderful. Last night we were supposed to go out dancing all night and again, as much as I wanted to go and have some fun, gaining an extra night at home, all to myself, was glorious. Of course I spent just about the entire time working diligently at my computer. I'm feverishly trying to figure out how to build a new web site and shopping cart for YogaDudes and I really made some headway last night. So thank you Karlo for getting sick and forcing me to gain some extra time. I'm actually considering kissing him in hopes of catching his bug. Perhaps that will gain me even more free time at home. I guess that alone is sick–the fact that I want to get sick just to get more free time.

And in other news . . . I realized that I never posted a picture of our finished laundry room project. I'm not happy with the shelf decor, but it was the best I could do with shopping in the basement. One of these days I'll get out to a real store. Or better yet, I'll shop on EBay for my desired collection of tandem bike figures. So picture the shelf loaded with tandem bikes . . .

The neat picture hanging on the wall is actually 6 pieces of metal with one of the photos I took in Spain printed on it. I thought this was the coolest thing ever. I originally wanted it bigger, but the wood cross beam and the fact that I didn't shoot in RAW sort of restricted me. Still nice, none-the-less.

And one more thing to show. I guess this is like Show N Tell . . . we only bought one thing on our recent vacation. Well, that's not entirely true. Karlo also scored himself a Life is Good hang gliding shirt. But while we were at the Life is Good store we picked up this little number for the Love Shack. As if I didn't already adore the Love Shack . . .

1 comment:

tina said...

great picture and now you dont have to purchase any more art for your walls, just use your own and save money so you can spend it on other things.