Thursday, July 29, 2010

Another Work Perk

You gotta love this . . . a couple of years ago we started a community garden here at work. I was so excited as I never had a garden before. This was perfect. Somebody else would do all the work of preparing the soil and all I had to do was plunk in my plants, water (which was easy, as the garden was right next to a creek) and then enjoy the fruits of my labor. Well, my first year didn't go so well. Remember that creek I just mentioned? It sort of turned into a raging river during a particularly bad storm that year, over-flowed it banks, and completely steam-rolled every single plant I had. The funny part was that there were a dozen garden plots and only one got completely destroyed – mine! I suffered such a disappointment that year that I couldn't bare to try again the following year. I resolved to just going to the grocery store and buying my chemical-laden expensive foods.

But this year is different. The garden here at work got massively large and in addition to the private little plots, the company plowed another field and sprung for tons of plants. We have full-time landscapers tending to it and every single day they bring loads of organically grown veggies into the building for free pickin's. So far I managed to grab a few things here and there, but I miss a lot due to the fact that they typically bring the veggies in after we leave for the day. But it pays to be buddies with the guys in charge. After expressing my disappointment over missing out on all the good veggies, I walk into my office this afternoon and this is what I see on my desk.

So not only do I not have to plant, weed, water, and pick . . . I am getting these amazing veggies delivered right to my desk. Sometimes I complain about work, but this place really rocks.

1 comment:

tina said...

yeah, you have a great place to work. I have responsibility-free gardening parents :)