So what did we do all week? Let’s see . . . She arrived on Monday so that night went to catching up. We had 6 months worth of catching up to do. I needed to be informed of her new job, new boyfriend, school reports etc. Tuesday was my hellish freelance day, but we are not going to talk about that in this happy blog post. I took a half day from work on Wednesday and went up to the Auburn Mall for some shopping. Holy cow was that ever exhausting. My feet were practically bleeding after the 4 straight hours of shopping. And the mall is tiny so our time spent per store was unbearable. At one point I was convinced that Jess got abducted by aliens and vanished off the face of the Earth, but no, she was in the changing room for an hour. sigh.

Next it was off to the casino and I can’t even believe that makes Karlo and my third trip to Mohegan Sun in less than 3 weeks. That is surely a new world record for us. We spent most of the time on the roof of one of the parking garages. They had a car show, farmers market, cook-out, and bands playing. We planned to stay for the fireworks, but we were all pretty tuckered out so we bailed early. But not before cruising through the casino for, you guessed it, more shopping. I swear to God I’m not stepping foot in a another store for at least a month.
Friday it was back to work, but luckily the day flew by and before we knew it, it was time to go to Happy Hour. Oh wait, I hate to even admit this but on the way to Happy Hour we stopped at the Verizon store to get my new Android X. I’m so excited. I love that stinkin’ thing. No more complaining about my useless POS Blackberry. I’m officially a Droid freak. Oh, and Karlo and Jess also managed to sneak off to the mall to buy even more stuff. Good grief. Happy Hour was very happy, a little reunion with volleyball pals.
Finally we got home and crashed on the couch for movie time. It was blissful. As was this weekend. I did practically nothing. We had the gallery open on Saturday which meant we spent most of the day entertaining friends. We never left the house and I loved it. The weekend rapped up with hiking, kayaking, and lounging around. Loved that too. I hope I can maintain this pain-free back streak. Actually, it should be no problem at all. Did you know there’s an app for relaxing? Well, there is and I got it. So now my new phone can take the place of my physical therapist. He is officially fired!
To see a few more pictures from Mystic, please click here.
so glad to hear jess is going home with alot of stuff!!!
Your pics are great!! I think I might "steal" one to print and frame for Haddam ( we need decorations for the bedrooms now that we have furniture )
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