Our long lost buddies (The Grovers) who moved down South last summer were back in town this week for a visit. I was so excited that they would be coming over for dinner one night to catch up. Although we email and Facebook every now and again, nothing beats the real thing - spending quality time. The kids are growing up and I feel like I’m missing it. So sad. But Thursday night was great. The heatwave finally broke and we were able to enjoy a delightful dinner on the deck. The only bad part was that the time seemed to go way too fast. I hope it’s not another whole year before we get to see them again!

I was looking forward to Friday all week. It was the only night of the entire week that we didn’t have plans after work. Wait a minute, we DID have plans . . . we planned to have a date at home. We stopped at the store on the way home and bought some fancy cheese, grapes, bread, and a bottle of wine. The screened porch was just waiting for us to lounge, nibble, and sip wine . . . and that is exactly what we did. Of course I envisioned nice music and dancing, but it sort of turned into a little too much web surfing. It’s amazing how off track we can get so easily.
Anyway, we finished off the wine and decided it was time to come inside, snuggle on the couch and watch a movie. It sounded perfect. We got the movie in the player, got all comfortable, when suddenly something flew between us and the TV. It was dark so we couldn’t really see it, but there was no doubt in either of our minds. It was a bat. Good grief, there goes our perfect night.
I hightailed it into the tiny guest bathroom and waited and waited until I couldn’t stand there waiting anymore. I could see this was going to take some time so I ran upstairs to Jessica’s room, slipped in, and quickly shut the door. My back was killing me so I took this time to lay flat on my back and rest. Rest I did. I think I feel asleep as poor Karlo tried everything to get this darn bat out of the house. This is no easy task given the impossibly high ceilings. An hour easily passed until he finally gave up and dragged me reluctantly out of the room. Back to the couch we went, me with one eye on the TV while the other eye was constantly scanning the room.
When the movie was over we went upstairs to go to bed and this is what I see:

Knowing he couldn’t catch the bat and I would never be able to sleep because of it, Karlo set up one of our tents in the bedroom. What a riot. I happily crawled in, but due to my current back problems, I didn’t last very long. I had to be brave and get into bed . . . .
We slept for several hours until Karlo told me, “Hide under the sheet, the bat is in the room.” The darn thing was likely in there the entire time (given that our door was shut). So there goes Karlo swinging his tennis racket until he finally traps the bat between the racket and the stone wall. What an exciting night. Now I could finally get to sleep in peace. So much for our totally relaxing date night. Better luck next time!
i crack up trying to envision karlo swatting his racket at the bat :) i would be running away just like you did!
You always have the craziest adventures!!!
And we too loved our evening- thanks again for our beautiful jewlery and so such a great evening catching up. Keep in touch-love your blogs :)
miss you already
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