Sunday, March 29, 2009

Catching Up

I disappeared for a few days and I think I forgot to mention that I was going to a conference in Boston last week. I attended Photoshop World and had a ball. My cousin Jamie came along and I think our heads are sufficiently filled with as much new software knowledge as can be. It was pretty much three straight days of non-stop tutorials, but it was as much fun as one can have while learning. And having a buddy to hang and chat with was a new experience for me. Normally I go to these types of events alone and it was much better to share all that I saw and learned with somebody as equally geeky. For some reason Karlo just doesn’t appreciate me calling home to tell him all about the cool Photoshop filters and masks I learned about. I just don’t get that. But Jamie, he speaks me language.

So we sat and learned, and strolled Boston, and took pictures . . . and met the Photoshop God himself, my idol Scott Kelby. Not only did I get to meet him, but he treated us to dinner. I’m sure not many of you even know who Scott Kelby is, and this probably isn’t anywhere near as exciting for you as it was for me. So that’s a long story that I’ll save for a rainy day. Looking at a few of the pictures I snapped during our picture taking outing is probably more interesting to all. Here are a handful of my favorites:

And because I just can't resist . . . here's me with Mr. Photoshop himself:

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