Thursday, March 19, 2009

What Day Is It?

Well, I completely missed “Wayback Wednesday” because I was unaware of what day it was. Seems like I rarely know the day of the week and my days are defined more by the activity of the day, rather than the name of the day. For instance, Karlo and I will refer to yesterday as Legs & Back, and today as Kenpo. Or Monday as Swing and Tuesday as Latin. There is so much going on, both at work and after work, that I can’t keep anything straight.

This week is a particularly rough week. Karlo is training, which means we have to stay at work late every night, leaving us very little time for our workouts and our dance classes. I had cereal for dinner on Monday and pretzels (in the car) on Tuesday. I keep telling myself that this mad rush is short-term and pretty soon things will settle down. What a joke. Shouldn’t I know my life well enough by now to know this will never happen? As soon as one thing settles down, we find something else to fill that time slot.

As much as I love all my dance classes I do look forward to them ending. I am counting down the days until our P90X workouts come to an end. Those are really started to drag me down. I long for the days when we come home from work and say, “What do you want to do tonight?” I will just have to keep fantasizing about that for the rest of this month . . .

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