Last night got off to a shaky start when I realized that I didn't have the battery charger for my new camera. What a ridiculous rookie mistake that was - leaving the battery charger in my office. But it all worked out. We had to drive by the office on the way to the airport and the short pit stop paid off. The charger was sitting on the floor and took only seconds to pick it up. We took back roads to the airport and it was a pleasant and stress-free ride. Both of our plane trips were perfectly on-time. Actually they arrived at both destinations earlier than scheduled. I have to say that our entire experience flying Southwest was a breathe of fresh air. We are officially boycotting United Airlines and I'm just thrilled to pieces with the friendly service of Southwest. Kudos to them for a fine job. My only concern was their 'free seating' where nobody has assigned seats. I just wanted to be able to sit with Karlo and it worked out just fine on both flights. They were smooth and pleasant throughout.

We had a little layover in Denver and I was just thrilled to be in Colorado. I always wanted to visit and I'm hoping my next stay lasts longer than 30 minutes. I'm pretty sure I love Colorado and I can't wait to go back. Our bags arrived with us in Salt Lake City and that's always a plus. We ended up with a little bit of a free rental car upgrade and I'm not even sure why. When we got into the car we realized that neither of us brought the Garmin GPS. Darnit. How would we find our destination? I had my phone, but I didn't bring my car charger. Grrrr. I was not happy. But 15 minutes into the trip I realized that the car had a USB port. What a concept. My wall charger just happened to have a USB and sure enough it worked like a charm in the car. Not only that, but I could play my music through the car speakers. I was just thrilled to pieces and decided that maybe we need to get newer model cars with these cool new features. Such luxuries.
Thanks to Droid we found our way to Moab with no problems. At first Karlo grumbled about the traffic in Salt Lake, but that quickly faded. We ended up in no man's land and stayed there for the next 4 hours. It was quite the interesting ride through amazing terrain. I was so happy to finally make it to Moab. Mostly because I forgot to pee at the airport and it was a LONG drive. Arriving in Moab was quite the experience. It was literally 4 hours of NOTHING and then suddenly we are in the coolest little outdoor adventure town. We instantly felt at home. I can't imagine a place that we better fit into. Every person in this town, other than the ones that live here, are here to either bike or hike. Finally, I can go out to dinner in my hiking shoes and fleece and fit right in.
And speaking of dinner and damned near perfect, I don't think Karlo could get any happier than this . . .

1 comment:
Did he really eat that dessert?? i got a stomach ache just looking at it. have a great time biking...
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