Monday, March 7, 2011

My Latest Addiction - The Michael Jackson Experience

Yup, I admit it. I'm addicted to a new Wii game. And the funny thing is that it never even occurred to me to ever buy this game. I knew nothing about it and never even heard of it . . . but one day I was innocently reading my emails and there was a message in my inbox from Amazon, telling me all about this great game and offering me a 'one day special.' Well, how could I pass up a special deal? I had to buy it.

And I'm so glad a did. What a stinkin' hoot this thing is. Now don't get me wrong, I still love my "Just Dance" games. Those are still lots of fun too. The biggest difference is that these Michael Jackson songs include his real choreography from his music videos. Now who doesn't want to learn all the moves to Thriller? Come on . . . You KNOW you do!

I normally don't like games that keep most of the content hidden until you get good enough to 'unlock' the material. And I mostly don't like that feature because in many games (like driving ones) I suck and will never unlock the extra material. But this one is sweet because I'm a good enough dancer to unlock everything. And the stuff you unlock are actual lessons to teach you the real moves. They are not easy and the lessons move really fast so you need to watch them dozens of times to get them, but it's a challenge and it's so much fun that it's addictive. I could play this game all night long.

Check out more details about the game (and buy yourself a copy) below:

Michael Jackson The Experience

And another interesting thing that I learned about Amazon this weekend is that they will take old games back in trade. Once again, I got an email from them asking me to trade-in some old games. I selected three titles that I never play (mostly because I'm terrible at them and can't unlock anything). Amazon pays the shipping and I'm going to get a $30 gift card toward any purchase on Amazon. Just like that! The easiest $30 I ever made. So if you have old games kicking around check out their trade-in program.


tina said...

i have seen this game but i thought it was for the xbox only. i have to get this for our house!

Unknown said...

OMG and when you do we are totally gonna dance the duets together. I think about you every time I play it!