Saturday, March 26, 2011

My Dream Come True

Maybe I'm going to get my ducks this Spring after all. First thing this morning Karlo noticed lots of ripples in the pond (which by the way is liquid again). The ripples just kept on going and going, only we wouldn't really see what the source was. I hoped it would be ducks, but it could have been anything. Then a couple of hours later I noticed two ducks swimming along. I got so excited. I ran downstairs to get one of my cameras and my friend's 500mm lens, but that turned into a disaster of frustration. Stupid useless lens! That's a whole 'nother story. I had no choice but to venture out into the cold.

So the 4 of us headed outside and sure enough, the ducks were still there. Normally it doesn't take more than one sight of humans and hounds coming toward the pond to make any ducks fly away, but this time it was a different story. The dogs ran all around the pond and I snapped some shots with my loud camera and they didn't budge.

I decided to run back inside and get some bread. This exercise always proved to be a waste of time in the past. All previous ducks were so skittish they flew away the minute I threw a bread crumb into the water. But this time was different. The little suckers started to swim right to me. I was thrilled. I sat at the end of the dock and feed them one whole piece of bread. At one point one of the dogs ran down to the shore and, although the ducks looked concerned, they must have been hungry enough to be brave.

This went on for a couple of slices of bread until my hands were positively frozen. I even got to see a couple of the huge trout that live in the pond as they came up to steal the bread too. What a thrilling morning indeed.

There has to be some reason why these ducks were so persistent this time. Perhaps they already have some eggs stashed somewhere. I can cry at the thought of having to leave town next week. I desperately want to go out and feed them every day. I have visions of getting my baby ducks after all, only with this scenario they will have parents to take care of them. Fingers are crossed. If it doesn't work, I'll have to resort back to the begging process and see if the grumpy old man will let me buy some ducklings.

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