I’m starting to get a complex and Karlo thinks it’s hilarious. Let me explain. Last month I went to Petsmart to get 2 more fish for my new tank. On my first trip to Petsmart I explained what sort of tank I have and the sales clerk told me that I can have 6 fish all together. She recommended that I get 3 to start and then in a couple of weeks, get a few more.
So I got my 3 fish and life was good. After a few weeks I was all excited to add more fish to the family. I drove all the way to Petsmart and was greeted by the most unpleasant old lady I ever met. I swear she was a parking ticket agent in a past life. She was just evil. First she completely ignored me like I didn’t exist. Then finally she barked “I’ll be right with you.” as she continued to do some ridiculous useless task just to make me wait. She was testing my patience, but I continued to smile and be pleasant. I was ranting in my head.
She finally got around to helping me and I told her that I would like to buy a couple of fish. She immediately starts to interrogate me . . . “What size tank to you have?” I have a 6.5 gallon tank, but I lied, “8 gallons.”
Then she barked “How many fish do you have?” I had 3, but again I lied “Only 2.”
And then she proceeds to tell me that I can’t have any more. Excuse me?!?!? I can not have another fish? What the??? OK, I didn’t just drive over 30 stinkin miles to get to this store so some evil witch can tell me that I can’t buy a $2 fish. Now my patience was snapped. After some comments like “Are you kidding me, blah blah blah” she finally agreed to let me buy ONE fish, WITH the understanding that I can’t get my money back if it dies. Like I would drive my 25 mile per gallon car 70 miles (round trip) to get my stinkin’ $2 back! Has this lady lost her mind?
She carried the fish and walked me to the check-out line where she instructed the cashier not to let me have the fish warrantee. For a $2 fish! Good grief.
While in Charlotte I was having a nice fish conversation with a fish-fanatic co-worker. He explained the importance of changing the water every 2 weeks. Very, very important. Oh brother. It was a month and I didn’t change the water. I couldn’t wait to get home. My poor fish.
I got home and first thing I did on Saturday was change the water. All the fish were alive. Thank goodness.
Sunday comes, I feed the fish and then 20 minutes later, one is dead. I lost my poor Siggy fish. I loved him.
Do I dare go back to Petsmart? No way. Yesterday we went to Walmart, figuring they are more laid back there. And they were. I asked the dude if I could have just one guppy and put it in a tank full of Mollys. His answer was “I don’t see why not. Try it and see.” OK, my kind of fish salesman.
Karlo can’t wait until I go back to Walmart so often that even Walmart refuses to sell me fish. He is envisioning a sign posted at the aquarium section of all Walmarts with my picture on it . . . Do NOT sell any fish to this woman! What a riot. So far my guppy seems to be happy. She’s yellow with an orange tail and her name is Lilly. So there! Petsmart can take a long walk off a short pier.
The Petsmart Fish Nazi! How awful. You aren't unfit to keep fish, and don't worry. $2 fish are cheap for a reason - they're of unpredictable health and may die for no reason. It's not like you're the dentist's niece from Finding Nemo, you're perfectly suited for fish ownership. Don't lose faith.
Paula needs to buy bigger fish, so when (not if) they die we can make some use of them . . .
karlo, i laughed so hard when i read your comment because my dad
would totally agree w/ you :)
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