Peanut Potter is in Love

Our little pup has really taken to her space under the stairs. She actually prefers to be down there to anywhere else in the house. We have to beg and coax her to come upstairs with the rest of us.

Unless of course, the new love of her life is over. It seems she has fallen completely in love with Chicago Sue’s husband Dan. They were a match made in heaven. Nothing was cuter than watching them snuggle.
Toasty Warm

This weekend was the official kick-off of the wood stove season. Karlo has been itching to play with the wood stove for weeks and he finally got to light a fire. That stove rocks. It is so warm and cozy and my favorite spot in the house is sitting at the kitchen counter with my back to the stove. I have a feeling I’m gonna love having this stove all winter.
In addition to the wood stove we also installed and programmed our new thermostats. Saturday morning was the first time our heat came on and what an experience that was. The heat in this house is NOTHING like it was in Andover. The heat actually works here. I set the temp to 67 and it was so hot in our bathroom I couldn’t function. To my delight, we discovered a blower under the sink that blows hot air at your feet as you are in front of the vanity. So hot, that my feet were sweating in my slippers. You can stand barefoot on the marble floor in January and be comfortable. What a brilliant invention and a delightful surprise bonus this was.

Last Friday night I picked up my Dad’s bass and amp. After my visit down to Gibson, I got inspired to play the bass again. I just couldn’t wait to see if any of it would come back after all these years. Well, it did. I had a ball this weekend plunking through some old Police tunes. Fun fun.
I Married a Mad Man

You see that one lonely leaf on the deck? That leaf was the reason Karlo couldn’t enjoy his dinner. The man has lost his mind. At breakfast he noted all the leaves on the deck. We can’t have that. He was out there sweeping the entire (very large) deck first thing after breakfast. Then at lunch he complained that more leaves fell on the deck. What does he expect? It IS Fall and we are in the woods on a windy day. I like the leaves on the deck. I think they are pretty. But he couldn’t stand it. He had to sweep the deck again after lunch. Then when this one lonely leaf appeared at dinner, well it ruined his night. He needs professional help.
You know, they prescribe medication for conditions like that, Karlo.
I miss Peanut! I'm jealous she's found someone new to snuggle. No fair.
I'll trade ya one of my Fender Jazz basses for that Peavey bass ;)
wait a sec, where'd you get the Univox amp??? got some gear envy going on here cuz!
Gear envy? Are you kidding? You want to trade for that amp?
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