Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Happy Sweater Day

No, it’s not an official holiday and I’m not wishing you a “happy Sweater Day.” I’m just happy that I’m wearing a sweater today.

I guess this marks the official start of Fall – the first day I’m wearing a real sweater. As much as I’m sad to see the long days and the warm weather fade away . . . I LOVE sweaters. I think tonight I’m going to switch over my closet for the change of seasons. I always get excited to bring out the winter clothes.

What is cozier than wearing a sweater? Of course, I’m thinking about Tina right now, who is probably itching just thinking about it. I guess there are two kinds of people in the world . . . people that don’t wear sweaters and people that adore them. At last, the days of my non-stop goose bumps will be over. I will no longer look ridiculous walking around indoors with a jacket on in July. I can finally snuggle into my sweaters for the next several months.

Remember that Magic Hat beer cap that I got several months ago? I still have it on my desk. It says,

Life is Better inside a Warm Sweater

And I agree.

1 comment:

lgaumond said...

Boo! Sweater weather = sock weather. I do love a soft, snuggly fleece, though.