Monday, October 1, 2007

Holy Mother of Misery

I only have a few minutes, but that's just long enough for me to complain about how terrible this trip is. I'm not sure I did myself any favors by staying home for the extra day and a half. My stupid cold got worse and all I wanted to do on Sunday was lay on the couch and groan. The one day set-up was brutal. My cold got yet even worse and I truly don't know how I got through this day.

Remember my past blogs about the joys of setting up a trade show booth? Well, now picture it like this . . . no Karlo, and instead 3 guys that never even saw the booth, let alone set it up. No electricity put down over the weekend - the most necessary thing to be done before any setup begins. (The day did not start off well.) A major pressure cooker because my crates needed to be cleared off the show floor at 3 PM and they gave me a 2 hour warning. Oh brother, I can go on with the gory details, but I will spare you. Just know that I feel like hell. My head is detached from my body, I can't think straight and by tomorrow I will have zero voice left from the incredibly painful sore throat. Just in time for the show to begin. I think I'm gonna cry.

OK, I complained enough. Sorry about that. I wanna come home . . . and sleep.


Anonymous said...

You should have brought some Rita's italian Ice with you to sooth your throat

Anonymous said...

Hang in there Babe . . . just keep on swimming, keep on swimming . . .

lgaumond said...

I'm so sorry for you. Are you taking any medicine? A couple Advil Cold & Sinus might help a little. Although you'll still be in NC, not home in bed, but still. It might help.