Friday, November 13, 2009

One Happy Customer

I had such a pleasant customer service experience yesterday that I just have to share. First, let me say that Apple impresses me in so many ways. Granted there are some things about the company and their products that tick me off, but as a whole most of their business sense is pure genius. Take for instance their commercials. It was this one that made me make the decision to buy a Mac in the first place.

But it's this commercial that really rings true with me now. There is a reason that Apple is ranked #1 in customer satisfaction.

So here's my story . . . Two days ago I finally broke down and made a sizable investment in a new kick a$$ iMac for home. I was so excited that I had to share the good news with my cousin, who also just happened to buy an iMac. When he asked me if I made sure to use my National Association of Photoshop Professionals discount on the purchase my heart sank because I did not. After his report of an over $300 savings I thought it was worth a phone call to Apple. And that phone call was the most pleasant and easy customer service call I think I ever had. I had a complicated situation, but it was handled smoothly with lots of apologizing for putting me on hold as the rep consulted with managers. In the end I got the free financing that I scored on my original order, plus they issued me a credit for $125. I just couldn't believe how pleasant and helpful the customer service person was. It makes me think back to a service call I placed with Dell that lasted over one hour with a bad connection (to India, no doubt) with a person that I could not possibly understand speaking some sort of Indian-English. And after all that, my problem was still not resolved. I haven't even gotten my new Mac yet, but I'm as happy as can be. I know I made the right choice. I always shied away from Apples because of the cost. They are far more expensive than PCs, but there's a reason for that . . . They are worth every penny.


lgaumond said...

Woo-hoo! You're officially a convert to the church of Apple now.

Will you please now go make friends with iTunes and forgive your iPod for its defective battery?

Anonymous said...
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tina said...

i am sooo far behind in the
realm of computers but i wish
ya the best and enjoy your new
toy. i hope to see this thing at your open house.