Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Something’s Gotta Give

And I just hope it’s not my heart! I am actually getting to the point where I’m starting to worry about my health. I struggled through two months of severe neck, shoulder and back pain and it wasn’t until I got to the beach in Spain before I was able to definitively diagnose the problem as stress. There was a direct correlation between the pain and the day’s activity. Lying on the beach = no pain. Driving in the traffic = pain.

Now that I’m home most of the shoulder pain has been greatly reduced. However, the pain in my neck (not Karlo, the real pain) is increasing and now I have strange sensations in my left arm and fingers. It feels like a blood pressure band (the thing the doctor pumps up to check your blood pressure) is strapped over my bicep, squeezing my muscle. And I’m just ‘getting used to’ the fact that two of my fingers (either my thumb and fore finger, or my pinky and ring finger) are always numb and tingly. I’m thinking this is probably NOT a good sign.

Last year I resolved that I would not live through another stressful 4th quarter. I took actions to ensure this year would be easier. I hired a warehouse to handle the fulfillment of my yoga business orders and made cloth bags to reduce the time spent wrapping presents. Now I’m working nearly full time trying to stock the warehouse, in between getting ready for the gallery to open, and as far as Christmas present wrapping goes . . . I’ll be lucky if I find the time to do any online shopping at all, never mind wrap the darn things.

This weekend my cousin wanted to chat with me online and after I made him wait for 5 minutes while I processed orders, I came back and got on his case because he wasn’t instantly ready to chat with me. His reply was, “Give me a minute, will ya?” And my reaction was “A minute? You want to me to wait an entire minute?” I can’t sit idle for an entire minute!!!! Between my full-time job, my side business, my freelance work, the opening of my gallery, my ‘I’ve completely-lost-my-mind-and-volunteered-my-web-services’ issues and just trying to manage the household stuff, I’m just losing my mind.

So needless to say, something’s got to give. I can’t keep this up and I’m just not sure what to do. I keep thinking that next year will be different . . . if I can just survive until next year.


michelled said...

Stress sucks and can do funny things. I'm living throught that myself now, too.

However, never omit the possibility of Lyme disease. I had some of those symptoms too and tested positive a few years ago. Worth getting checked out seeing you are in the woods a lot and have pets.

Feel better.

Unknown said...

Wow, that is interesting. Would have never thought . . . and I even poked around on WebMD. Thanks for the tip Michelle. I have a check-up next month so I'll ask the doc.

lgaumond said...

Lyme or not, you've got to let go of some of the things that stress you out. You take too much on. Do I sound like your mom? Well you do take too much on and don't give yourself enough time to just sit and relax.

Cut some of your obligations, say no more often, and GO TO THE FRIGGIN DOCTOR. Get a physical and make sure there isn't something worse than stress that's causing your pain. Do it!

Penni said...

Sounds like a pinched nerve to me based on the symptoms..... But Lyme's Disease, pinched nerve or what ever it is, a month from now to see the doctor is way too long. You need to call him TODAY and see what is causing your symptoms