Tuesday, November 10, 2009

So Much for Happy Blog Posts

I feel compelled to vent a bit, so we will take a break from my previously scheduled ‘happy blog postings’ to let me do so. As you know I was away last week on a business trip. Getting out of Chicago on a Friday afternoon is not an easy task and as if the stress of the traffic and solo train ride wasn’t enough, I had the huge weight on my shoulders of coming home to face Bentley’s exit. So needless to say I wasn’t in the best mood and maybe that is why I was so crotchety, but still, I need to vent.

The flight was completely full and I was slightly ticked off that I didn’t get a seat in economy plus (more legroom for United ‘preferred’ fliers). I qualify this year for their elite status and normally I get the better seats. But after missing our flight on our last trip and suffering through a 5 hour layover to go standby on the last flight home, I figured I should just shut up and count my blessings that the plane was taking off on time.

So I sit down with my new novel (had to buy a book to take my mind off of Bentley) and I was immediately distracted by the toddler sitting behind me. I could see by the reflection in the window that he was sitting with his legs up, ON THE BACK OF MY SEAT and that little bugger continued to KICK MY SEAT for the entire 2 hours of the flight. I swear to God I wanted to reach back, slap him, and CHOKE his mother. My blood was boiling at how completely and utterly rude it was to let this kid behave like this. As I sat there, not being able to read my book due to the rage brewing inside me I started to think about how Karlo and I were struggling to adopt a new dog. I had to fill out a 4 page application to beg and plead to prove that we are worthy enough to adopt a dog that is sitting in a cage, in a shelter, that might otherwise face death. Are we good enough to save a dog from being killed??? The scrutiny you must face to adopt a dog is unreal. And YET, any complete idiot can breed and have children despite the fact that they have no child rearing common sense in the world. It just boggles my mind. When is somebody going to figure out a system to pre-quality humans in order to allow them to bring children into this world?


lgaumond said...

Wow, that went from total truth to slightly Communistic.

Does it make you feel any better that when you adopt a human being you have to fill out a lot of papers to prove your worthiness, too?

The dog adoption process does tick me off like you wouldn't believe, I completely agree with you there.

Penni said...

Knowing where I work you can imagine the idiots I come across who have no problem reproducing and I 100% agree that everyone who wants a child should at least pass an IQ test and more importantly a common sense test before they are allowed to have a child. Just my opinon!!

michelled said...

You are a better person than me. I would have had to say something. Since it would have driven me crazy too, I would never let my little ones do that.

A lot of people negatively comment on the adoption processes. When we adopted Buddy I had to fill out an app just for them to talk to me about him. But it is all worth it and at least there are all of these agencies who handle the dogs! Can't wait to see what you are looking for!! What kind?!?!?

michelled said...
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michelled said...
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tina said...

your grieving over bentley is
completely understandable, lets
just leave it at that.