Wednesday, January 20, 2010

In Three Words

Have you ever seen the segment on a morning show . . . Good Morning America (I think) where people across the country send in photos of their week in three words? I just love this concept and a few nights ago Jay Leno really cracked me up. He did his own version and it went something like this:



This clever little piece inspired me to want to summarize all of my weeks this year with 3 words. Too bad I already missed a couple weeks. I think the two weeks I missed would be:

brand new start
my poor car

And last week would be:

I wonder what next week will bring . . . So how would you sum up your last week, last month, or today? Think about it . . . It's quite fun.


michelled said...

I've been organizing.

I need storage.

Too little time.


Penni said...

I'm sick again!?!

tina said...

i want summer!