Sunday, January 24, 2010

MacGyver Strikes Again

That is my week in 3 words. Remember the photos of random re-purposed parts? Well, Karlo has finally put them all together. He's been working diligently on this project all week and yesterday we assembled it. It took an emergency trip to Radio Shack, but we now have all the wires we need and everything has been hooked up and working again. Let me present our new TV stand . . . Ta da.

It looks very much like our old system (where the TV sat on a shelf attached to the post). But now there is no shelf, no supporting pole holding the shelf up, and best of all . . .

It swivels around so I can angle the TV toward the empty floor space. This will come in very handy for my Wii workouts! And since it swivels, why not go all the way and allow us to watch TV while we play pool?

Actually, my dream has always been to have a fish tank DVD and turn the TV into a giant aquarium to watch while playing pool. Now I can finally do that. And the added bonus is that the TV is no longer in the way of the cues while taking shots from one corner of the table. So many problems solved with one ingenious feat of engineering. Way to go Karlo! Here's a closer look at his handy work:

1 comment:

tina said...

great job karlo. what's next?