So what's the point of the photo? Well, it's my photo of the day for my 365 project and I had nothing else to talk about. I had originally planned for my photo of the day to be a nice frozen river shot, but my dreams of snowshoeing down to the river were squashed by the need to get the 9 new inches of snow cleared from the driveways and deck. I was nice and helped Karlo out and there went the daylight. There also went my pretty photo of the icy river. Maybe tomorrow.
I needed to shoot something indoors and I was trying to figure out which camera to use. That's when it hit me that the amount of cameras I have to pick from is sort of a funny picture. Also funny is the fact that I JUST BOUGHT ANOTHER camera last week. Its the smallest one (on the left) in the photo. It's really more of a video camera than a still camera (although it does both) and it's meant to be worn on your wrist, your helmet, or your handlebars. Remember all the times I said, "I wish I had a helmet cam to give you the full effect of what the scenery was like" . . . ? Well, now we finally do. Only problem is that I'm convinced I'll never figure out how to operate it while moving along on two wheels. We'll see how useful it actually will be. Just the fact that I convinced myself that I needed another camera is another reason that I may need help of the psychiatric kind.
1 comment:
i hope you figure out how to use the helmet cam for your vacation so you can share them with us.
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