Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Years Update

Wow, this week is flying by and I haven’t been doing much blogging lately. My year of doing less and simplifying is getting off to a busy start. It all started on New Years Eve when I worked myself up into a frenzy preparing to photograph my friend’s wedding. I wanted to use my new camera that I only got the day before the wedding. I took it home and practiced with it. I also spent 2 hours reading most of the user’s manual - literally every page . . . because I’m geeking like that. The night of the wedding I paced around in a cold sweat, all the while knowing the bride was home cool as a cucumber. Where’s the justice there?

That shoot was the hardest thing I ever did. It included all the things that I don’t do . . . photographing people . . . indoors . . . in low lighting. Torture. And I, of course, refused to use a flash. By the time the ceremony was over my heart was pounding through my chest and I was pretty sure I would have a heart attack. Finally, it was time to get a drink. I guzzled my champagne and chased it with a glass of wine.

I paid for that the next day. Woke up with a killer headache and spent the entire day glued to my computer processing all the photos until my eyes nearly bled.

It was all worth it when I was able to deliver the pictures and slide show to the happy couple.

I also made a slide show from some of the pictures. If you would like to see it, just click on the graphic below:


lgaumond said...

The photos are beautiful! You did a fantastic job. Congratulations Sue and Tim!

michelled said...

I can so appreciate the stress you were feeling with the circumstances. But you NAILED IT! What a great job. Your friend must be thrilled. Congrats.

tina said...

Congratulations Sue and Tim!
way to go Paula, just awesome.