How evil was it to find the catalogs above in my mailbox this week, mid-way through the winter that will never end? I mean really, what are the chances that we can plant anything this Spring? I'm wondering if I'll see grass by my birthday in July. I couldn't even bring myself to open the pages of the gardening catalogs.
But the swimsuit one, well that one I did study . . . every page in fact. I went through it over and over again, dog-earring different pages, picking out different things, and thinking long and hard about what color I want. What a useless waste of time that was. I still haven't actually placed the order and I wonder how many (brand new) bathing suits I already have hidden away in my closet. See, that's the problem. Since I never use them, I have no idea where they are. But for sure they are there somewhere. Perhaps I would have better spent my catalog browsing time by digging through my closet looking for what I already own. sigh.
Well, at any rate, I vow to put on at least one bathing suit during our upcoming cruise. And hey, I may even get completely crazy and go swimming. OK, that may have been pushing it, but I will at least GET WET. That's the goal.
Even looking at pictures of people wearing summer clothes in the warm sunshine makes me want to cry. This winter is going to break us.
We must stay strong!!! We are at least over the hump, I hope.
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