My day started off pretty good when I arrived to my office to find these items on my desk: my new (used) laptop, a 500mm lens that a friend is letting me borrow, and a photography magazine that Jill gives me when she's done reading.

My new "Dellapple" laptop. Just to make myself feel better I slapped an Apple sticker on the front of the laptop. Still runs like a PC, but at least it's cuter this way.

I struggled with the photo of the day here so I'm breaking the rules and posted an alternate picture of Tina modeling with a bag we also loved. Luckily I didn't decide to make this too!

I made these awhile ago, but for some reason they are still hanging out in the kitchen and I just happened to be sitting at the counter with my camera today . . . so well-la, my picture of the day.

so how did the mittens come out???
very nice necklaces!!!
The mittens were a bit of a disaster, but I do think I can do better next time. I modified the pattern. Now I just need a wool sweater. Gotta find time to back to the Thrift store! If I ever figure this out maybe we can have a project day with the kids. We can all make a pair :-) Do you still have a sewing machine?
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