Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Life is Getting Difficult

And my shoulder is seizing up. No matter how hard I try to fight it, I think it's gonna take a miracle to keep my back and pinched nerve in check over the next few months. I keep imagining getting through our upcoming so-called vacation, biking in severe pain. As far as I can tell that is not going to be fun. And neither is my life right now.

I've been trying to come up with a blog topic all day. I've been reaching down for an entertaining topic, but my life is consumed these days with unpleasant things. On one hand, I don't want to discuss and document them, but on the other hand, this blog is the document of my life and let's face it, sometimes life isn't always easy. We are definitely in a 'not-so-easy' stage right now and I'm just trying to take deep breathes and deal with one day at a time.

Up until last week I was enjoying all the snow. It was so beautiful walking around in a winter wonderland every day. I just felt like a big kid and it was so exhilarating. But that feeling died last week with the last big storm. My poor Dad has not fully recovered from him fall on the ice and my feelings of being 'a kid' went right out the window. Fast forward from kid to tortured adult, trying to figure out how to care for an elderly parent. The time of life most everybody dreads. Well it has come on really fast and without any warning, like a slap across the face and is now consuming my life. So I will apologize in advance if this blog is not the cheerful and amusing place that it normally is. I will try to retain some humor and positive thoughts regardless of what's going on around me. I will try . . .

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