Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I Still Don't Believe This

See our pretty new wood stove. We ordered this baby back in August and have been waiting for a phone call ever since to tell us that it was in. We waited and waited and got more and more impatient as the temperatures outside started to drop. We spent the last 3 weeks hounding the dealer for a delivery date and we never got a call back. Today I contacted the corporate office with a tiny rant and amazingly, Karlo got a phone call this afternoon to tell him the stove was in. Coincidence? I don't think so.

I was in Hartford all afternoon and had no idea that Karlo left work early to go and pick up the stove - all by himself. Not like I could really lend a hand in moving a 500 pound stove, but I would have liked to witness the big event.

Imagine my surprise when I got home tonight and found the old stove already gone and the new stove sitting in its place. I have no idea how on earth Karlo did this all by himself. The last time I saw a stove moved was when our friend Luke asked Karlo, and one other guy, to help move his. I was stressed watching three guys move a stove. I guess it's a good thing that I wasn't around for this ordeal. The man is simply amazing - and slightly insane.

And the sad part is that I will probably be more sore from my weightlifting session yesterday than he will be from his stove workout tonight.

1 comment:

lgaumond said...

Ohhh... pretty. I love the big glass door! I hope it keeps you warm and toasty.

I love when the heavy things are moved around while I'm not home. It always makes me nervous (and usually sore) if I happen to be home to witness and help.