Monday, October 13, 2008

A Very Nutritious Weekend

It’s a good thing my ‘training’ doesn’t start until Spring. I had quite the un-athletic weekend. Not only did I not do much in the way of exercise, but my diet was horrific. We spent the first few hours of Saturday cleaning the house because guests were coming over that evening. The guests were coming over to sit by the bonfire, but you know Karlo . . . everything needed to be scrubbed down, de-cluttered, every leaf needed to be removed from the deck, etc. I think I’ve decided that we are never having visitors again. I can’t take the stress he puts me though during the preparation.

Anyway, back to my story. After we cleaned we had the lunch of a 10 year old – peanut butter & jelly and nacho chips. We did manage to go for bike ride in the afternoon. Unfortunately my hip and knee were sore during the ride and I ended up with stomach cramps 10 miles from home. Not the best ride to make me feel good about committing to a race. I was feeling old and out of shape.

We went to Buell’s Apple Orchard for dinner. Our neighbor tipped us off that they had roasted chicken dinners. That sounded perfect, as I was not about to cook. So we went to get our chicken dinners, but all they had left were hot dogs and hamburgers. Uuugh. We had nasty hot dogs for dinner and completed the meal with a candy apple (for me) and a block of fudge (for Karlo). And as if that wasn’t bad enough, we finished the night by drinking beer and eating brownies and chips by the fire.

Sunday wasn’t much better. We attended an Oktober Fest party most of the afternoon where we sucked down sausages, pretzels, pie, misc other treats, and oh yeah, more beer. We went home to have another little bonfire. We needed to get rid of lots more brush. That turned into dinner by the fire. You guessed it – we ate smores for dinner! I feel like I need to repent for all my weekend sins.

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