Saturday, December 26, 2009

Slightly Misunderstood

Well, it's the much anticipated day after Christmas . . . finally. I've been looking forward to this day for quite some time. The day that I can look back at all the chaos that I lived through and be happy to have it behind me. I can't tell you how many times I said, "I can't wait for Christmas night . . . to be home, with nothing more on our plate, for no more stresses on my shoulders . . ." And we didn't even get out of my brother's driveway last night before we discovered that my car had not only no reverse (thank God my brother's driveway is a hill that slopes toward the road), but I also had no 2nd or 4th gear in my transmission. For God's Sake . . . we JUST sold the problem VW two days earlier and I truly thought all of our car problems were over. So much for that. And so much for my stress ending on Christmas day. It almost brings me to tears.

But luckily our holidays were fun ones. I really enjoyed visiting with all my family, and as you already saw, thoroughly enjoyed spoiling the dogs on Christmas morning. It really makes me realize that the holiday is not about all the presents under the tree, but about the fun times to be had with family. And on the subject of presents under the tree, I may have to write a letter to Santa. I think he has me a little misunderstood. He brought me all sorts of great things and spent way too much money on me. After the expensive jewelry, fancy pants face creams and designer yoga clothing I have two things that are competing for my favorite gift of the season:

Those slippers are like walking on Heaven and how cute is that T-shirt? It says, "I suffer from multiple greyhound syndrome (cuz one greyhound is never enough.)" LOVE IT. I still have no idea where Penni found it. The favorite gift in second position is this:

Karlo got one too! So Santa, please know that it's not about the amount of dollars spent. It's really wasted on a simple girl like me. It's really the little things (like fuzzy socks) that make me the most happy. And now it's time for some hot cocoa in my new mug.


Penni said...

Didn't you know Santa and I have an understanding. He does know exactly what you like!!

lgaumond said...

OK, that sounds like another story is needed... what the heck happened to the mini?

Also, great shirt! What a wonderful sister-in-law you have.

tina said...

not the mini!!! what ya gonna do?