Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A Little Bit Distracted

I've been slacking with the blog posts this week. Not only do I have nothing interesting to say, but I've been rather distracted lately. During the daytime I'm distracted by my pesky job. And at night I'm distracted by this:

Just look at the size of that puppy. Oh, I meant the new iMac, not the puppy on the other screen. That tiny monitor sitting on my printer is (not only a loaner from work since I fried mine this weekend) but is a 20 inch monitor. I don't even know what the size of the monster sitting next to it is. Let's just call it XL. And it's been an extra large task getting it set up. I'm very proud of the fact that I successfully installed Windows 7 on it (as you can see on the screen). This was quite the accomplishment seeing as the bonehead at Apple's tech support emphatically told me that it can NOT be done. Well, I guess I showed him!

So most of my evening time is spent loading software, moving data, and just getting it all set up. This is my first blog posting from the new iMac and I have to say, I struggled just to get the picture included. sigh. I still have more work to do.

And speaking of pictures, a friend was disappointed at my lack of pictures of the gallery over the weekend. Here's a few snapshots (of the empty gallery) that I took on Saturday. Once the visitors arrived I ditched the camera. That was stupid.

Here's me just before opening. Check out the sign that Karlo made for the shack:

Here is Peanut helping me set up:

And here's the entire tour of the gallery. Don't blink or you will miss something:

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