Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Bad Catholic

On the drive to work this morning I was thinking about the fact that it was Ash Wednesday and pondering whether or not I would go through the ridiculous exercise of giving something up. Now before any Catholics get upset because I’m calling the ritual ridiculous, let me explain. I found it ridiculous for me to think about giving something up when I couldn’t even explain the concept of Lent to Karlo. He asked me questions about Lent and I told him that Lent was the 40 days leading up to Easter . . . and you are supposed to give up something you enjoy during this time . . . you are not supposed to eat meat on Fridays . . . and oh yeah, you’re also supposed to go to church and get a spot of ash put on your forehead. Karlo laughed and said that we have plenty of ashes at home if I wanted to ‘dirty my forehead.’ Then he went on to question what the symbolism of the ashes on this day called “Ash Wednesday” was. I reached way back to my Catholic schooling and my years of, not bible school, but something similar that I can’t even begin to spell (catechism?) and with all that reaching I pulled absolutely nothing out of the air. I haven’t a clue what the ashes are all about, or the 40 days. I’m a terrible Catholic! So if I don’t even know what it’s all about, why would I give something up? It all seems so silly to me. I think I’ll just go about my life trying to be the best person that I can be and live a life that I will be proud of when I stand before the Lord on judgment day. Hopefully he won’t be quizzing me on the bible.

Then I went on to explain to Karlo that yesterday was Fat Tuesday. He was amused with this term and had no idea what it was all about. I pointed out the fact that some people at work had on mardi gras beads and Karlo never knew there was a connection between the beads, the celebration and religion. I was all happy that I knew just enough to explain that the day is called Fat Tuesday because it’s the day before the 40 days of fasting and sacrifice begins and that’s the day when people overindulge and eat too much. And Karlo promptly yells, “What??? And you’re telling me this TODAY when it's already over?” Suddenly he wants to be religious. Go figure.

1 comment:

tina said...

dont be too hard on yourself. i dont give up anything either and better yet dont set an example for the kids. i keep it simple and i just remember what jesus sacrificed for us and remember to be grateful. there is a time in all our lives that we have had to sacrifice or still have to get to that point in our life. when it happens try to remember jesus' ultimate sacrifice and don't complain.