Sunday, February 28, 2010

Busy Weekend

Another busy weekend as usual. Today I'm lucky to find any time at all to sit at the computer. This is the last weekend at home before vacation and I could spend 48 hours running straight and I doubt I would finish all that I would like to accomplish. But so be it. I'll do what I can do and that's that.

We started off yesterday tackling the laundry room project. Here's the before picture. Well, of course it didn't really look this barren before. We took down the artwork that originally hung over the counter. But for the sake of impressive befores and afters, here's the wall looking as bad as it can:

Then about an hour later it looked like this:

More changes have happened since then, but I haven't had time to photograph and will have to wait for the grand unveil of the 'after' picture . . . to come some time after vacation.

After the tile project and our P90X workout it was time to exercise the dogs. I've been wanting to check out our brook which, according to Karlo, has become a raging river due to all the rain. We hiked down to see this:

And then two minutes after getting back into the house the dogs competed in their favorite sport – Synchronized Snoozing. Not sure who won this match.

Boy am I jealous of them. I sure would like to partake in a little bit of that on a weekend. But there will be no rest for me. I'm off to a boring meeting followed by two errands. So much to do and so little time to do it in.

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