Sunday, February 14, 2010

Important Lesson Learned

Today was what Karlo and I like to call a “vacation at home day.” We instituted these days last year when we swore we would take one per quarter. We did our first on the long Thanksgiving weekend and it was blissful. We tried our second one on Valentines Day last year and it was another great day. Then a year lapsed and I realized that we were long over due. What better time to start up again but on Valentine’s Day? This was to be a day where we do no work and just hang out together all day. Let’s just say it didn’t go as planned.

It’s now 3 PM and I’m alone in my office. First Karlo insisted that the dogs need a hike (because you know our lives revolve around the dogs). Apparently they could not miss a hike on our special day. So Karlo went out for a hike while I stayed in to do yoga. That wasn’t so bad I guess. But his hike turned into an hour of moving wood from the shed to the garage, stacking it, probably splitting it, installing new tires on his trailer, and Lord knows what else is going on in the garage. I swear that garage has an incredible sucking force that pulls him so strongly that he can’t overcome it.

So here I sit, all by myself, on our vacation-at-home-let’s-spend-the-day-together-day. Sigh. I guess I’ll go upstairs and clean the tiles.

I realized an important thing about me and Karlo and vacations. We suck at them! We literally get jittery if we don’t have our days completely planned out. Even on our vacation day we need an agenda . . . What fun things are we going to do, for how long, and when will they start and end? This is exactly what happens on a real vacation. We absolutely need most of our waking hours filled with an agenda or we can’t function.

That’s it. I’m going to fetch him from the basement now. We will have fun together, starting now . . . dammit.

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