Sunday, February 14, 2010

Week Recap

And my week can be summed up with these three words:

Like all tiling projects, it was a multi-day event, and it's not quite over yet. We are still in the grout haze phase so I can't post the 'after' picture just yet. So far I'm pleased with the result. There is always that brief period during the grouting phase where you are convinced something is going wrong and you are creating a disaster, but somehow it all works out in the end. A tile project just wouldn't be a tile project without that heart sinking "oh no" feeling. I can't wait to install the new switch plate covers and most importantly get the mirror hung back on the way. We are almost there . . .

And our grout wasn't nearly dried on the wall before I was online shopping for another tile project. Yesterday I bought 6 square feet of mosaic blue glass tiles for an upcoming laundry room project. Since all the tiling tools have been brought up from the basement and Karlo's tiling skills have been exercised I figured I would strike while the iron was hot. So this week definitely deserved my 3 word recap.

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