Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I’m Ready to Ride, Or Dance . . . Or Go To Texas

I just bought these fabulous little cowboy botties and I love them to pieces. I can’t believe how comfortable they are and how much fun it is to look down at my feet with them on. I totally feel like a cowgirl. I’ve been wanting a pair of cowboy boots for a long time, something that I could line dance in. After all, if you’re going to do something, you may as well look the part. How much time do I spend uncomfortably looking like a biker (both pedal and motor)? I dread walking around in ugly motorcycle boots or sitting in a deli with spandex on, but I do it. So why not look like a cowgirl when I’m line dancing? Not to mention that I truly don’t own a single pair of appropriate shoes for that sort of dancing. You have to actually try to dance to understand that statement. I swear.

So I’ve been thinking about buying a pair for a long time, but real dance boots cost a lot of money and I didn’t have that sort of commitment. Not just yet anyway. I wasn’t sure it would be possible to find pure fashion boots that were comfortable enough for dancing, I didn’t know where to shop, and I was lacking the motivation. But then I recently booked a business trip to Texas and thought, “I will surely need cowboy boots to go to Texas!” Enter new motivation. I totally lucked out by stumbling across these online at DSW. It was the consumer rating that made me actually buy them, and I must say . . .the woman that wrote the rating wasn’t kidding. I love them. So now I’m ready to dance and ride a horse in Texas. Hee haa.

1 comment:

tina said...
