Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I've Been Itchy

No, I don't have a rash. I've been cooped up in the house too long during this dreadfully long winter. I've been trying to be good about going outside to play and have been forgoing evening hikes with Karlo and the hounds. Instead I sit in the house and brood over my sore fingers. All that time spent inside just made me itch for a home decor project.

Enter these:
I've been wanting to do something with the wall above the sink in our master bathroom for ages. Can you say 'ages' if you only lived in a house for 2.5 years? Well, since we moved in I've wanted tiles as a backsplash because I really need a backsplash. Every morning I stick my head in the sink and splash water all over the wall. I figured I could justify actually 'needing' the tiles. Just look how barren the wall looks now. Please excuse the horrific picture. And obviously Karlo has already gotten a jump on removing the switch plate covers.

I'm hoping those tiles on the counter will be on the wall tomorrow. Stay tuned . . .

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