Wednesday, June 17, 2009

It Takes Rain to Get a Rainbow

Despite the fact that the title refers to rain I’m not going to complain about this lovely CT weather. Yesterday’s blog posting and the resulting comments made me want to share these thoughts . . .

First, I want to send out a heart-felt thank you to the friends that left me comments on my last post. It hit me today that good things often result from bad things happening. For instance how often does somebody get laid off from a job only to find an even better one, or start their own successful business as a result? Or maybe they go through a tough divorce only to find their one true love shortly after. There are also circumstances where people get sick and/or face their own mortality in order to reevaluate their lives and set better priorities. In my case I tend to take things and people for granted and not realize this until they aren’t there for me. I never seem to appreciate Karlo as much when he’s home as I do when he’s away. Why does it always take a bad thing (him being away) for me to appreciate all that he is?

And likewise, it took something bad (the anonymous fool that polluted my happy place) to make me realize just how great my friends (the ‘real’ ones, not the phony Facebook ones) really are. You guys are the best and I’m honored to call you all my friends! And thank you Anonymous Fool for making me realize this.


tina said...

you go girl!!!

Unknown said...

Hi, Paula...
On behalf of myself,as part of the Southend 9 Committee, I formally apologize for the negative "anonymous" comments that popped up on your site.
I will be forever proud of the event that we put on and the fact that we raised thousands of dollars for charity that evening.
I would not want my name or that of our organization, who are sworn to do good for our old neighborhood, to be sullied by the insensitive and frankly, uncalled for, comments of a few.
Please know that those comments are not representative of us or our mission to our community.
We hope to hold many more charity events and fund raisers in the future and will continue to ask for the support of our neighbors, present and past.

Martha Gordon
Southend 9 Committee

Penni said...

Wow Paula, I didn't know that your blog had such a wide and diverse audience. I thought the only people that read it on a daily basis was those of us who KNOW and LOVE you. I guess I learned something today. Keep entertaining us as usual.