Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Smashing Saturday

Despite the terrible weather we are having these days, I managed to really enjoy the day yesterday. It started off with a delightful new hike in Eastford. The only part of this hike that wasn't perfect was the fact that I experienced my first real tick episode (where one actually lodged itself under my skin) from this walk and my right hip started to act up again. I had to sit out the last half mile and wait for Karlo and Peanut to come and rescue me with the Jeep. But that wasn't all bad. I sat on the side of the river and watched and listened to the rushing water go by. It was quite tranquil.

The reason I didn't want to push it with my sore hip was because I had to perform in our little Eastford line dancing presentation in the afternoon. I figured I had enough going against me already (as I just learned the 3 dances 3 days ago). But I would like to report that I did just fine during show time and unfortunately I don't have any photos or video this year. My photographer refused to come and watch me this time due to the fact that he has poison ivy all over his face :-(

After the dancing Karlo and I visited our neighbor and we had fun watching all the birds in her yard.
From there we headed to Hartford for a quick visit with Dad followed by an awesome night with friends. We were planning to meet Tina and head to some bar in Hartford for a South End Reunion. But when we arrived at the bar the three of us stood outside the fence, peering in and observing the crowd. I had a sinking feeling in my stomach and didn't feel too compelled to walk in. I turned to Tina and said, "Well T what do you think?" and she said, "We are too clean to go in there!" With a complete sense of relief we all hopped back in the car and headed to Plan B which was meeting another old friend at the Wood N Tap in Rocky Hill -- much more our speed compared to the ganster biker bar where the party was being held. And we had a stinkin' ball.

As if we didn't have a full enough day at this point, at 9 PM we headed to Manchester to meet Regina for a drink (well, in our case . . . dessert). What amazing timing that Regina just happened to be in CT on the same night that Tina and I were out for a night on the town. More great conversation and fun and before we knew it, it was past midnight and my voice was gone. Well worth the late night. It was a blast. And I had so much fun talking and catching up that I forgot to pull my camera out. uuuuuugh!


Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

Apparently I offended some folks by my comments about not wanting to go into the Airport Rd Cafe. I'm sorry if the motorcycle gang at the entrance intimidated us. I in no way wanted to imply that we are 'too good' to be there. We just simply did not feel comfortable and at the time (it was pretty early) there weren't many people there and surely none we knew inside. I'm afraid people may be reading way too much into Tina's "we're too clean" comment. Yes, we didn't look like the leather clad den crew at the door, but more importantly we weren't aware that it would be outdoors on a cool rainy night. So please folks, chill out. It wasn't as big of deal as you're making it out to be.

Anonymous said...

BS! Now you're just trying to cover your ass! You never thought your "squeaky clean" blog would ever be discovered by those dirty people...did you?

You have insulted every single person that attended the reunion. Don't ask people to chill out after making such insulting comments!

You're gonna delete this post too..aren't you!

Anonymous said...

Paula these were your words...

"We are too clean to go in there!" With a complete sense of relief we all hopped back in the car and headed to Plan B which was meeting another old friend at the Wood N Tap in Rocky Hill -- much more our speed compared to the ganster biker bar where the party was being held.

How do you expect people to react? Would you like this said about you?

Southend 9 Bitty said...

I'm not sure how anyone came across this blog, or how this poor "Paula" got so lucky but just for the record...
The event was called "(First Ever) Old Skool Southend Reunion" for a reason. All those invited or inclined to go knew about it months in advance and were THRILLED to be there. Some, from far away places or restricted by commitments, were very sorry not to be able to make it. Why? Because we're Southenders.
Having said all that, I ask all you "southenders" out there: If you didn't know our crowd, would you rush in? Think about it...
Paula and her friends stroll up and see out 'security team'...yep, that's what they were,Paula, security. It is, after all, still Hartford.
They are also all upstanding, decent and polite ex-Marines (who happened to be part of a motorcycle club), who were there to insure we all enjoyed ourselves without incident..and ya know what? I'm happy to say,it worked! 300+ people, 1 speaks for itself!
But how would Paula know this? Of course, she wouldn't.
Paula, I for one, am not offended. I'm sorry you missed it, really! Yup, we southenders are a lively, colorful bunch...but if you had come in on Saturday night, we would have welcomed you with open arms because, as part of the clan that put this FANTASTIC event together, I can tell you that there was nothing but smiles and love in that bar that night.
I will forever only have wonderful memories of great friends and a really great time on a not-so-rainy, not-so-cool night...the air was warm all around me, at least!

Unknown said...

No, I'm not going to delete the comments and this will be my last comment. Yes, those were my words. I am not going to deny that being indoors at small place with just a few friends is 'more my speed' compared to that bar in Hartford that I thought looked like 'a biker bar.' There is no question where I would feel more comfortable. By the way, I am 'a biker' and I do sometimes go to 'biker bars' and I never feel comfortable at them.

Just for the record, I do regret not going in! As much fun as I had catching up with old friends in an intimate setting, I'm sure the party was a blast. It was a quick decision and obviously not the best one. It was our loss.

Penni said...

All I can say is "WOW...." All this drama over where you decided to get together with friends!