Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Twitter Silliness

I recently realized that just about the entire month of June slipped away and I completely slacked with my YogaDudes business-related activities. I guess I took the vacation mode seriously and didn’t want to do much work when we got home. I haven’t written a newsletter, blogged, or Twittered (or maybe that should be Tweeted. I’m still not sure of the correct lingo) for nearly a month.

Since I had some freelance work to do last night and I was in the ‘work mode’ I decided to visit Twitter. Yes, I Tweet and I never mentioned it before because it’s purely business. I have no interest in using Twitter for personal or social reasons and none of you would care much about my Tweets. But anyway, while I was there snooping on some of my followers and looking for some good yoga material I couldn’t help but notice that somebody was following Richard Gere. [Footnote: You see, this is why Twitter is bad thing to begin with – a useless time suck.] Here I am trying to do some ‘work’ and now I’m snooping on Richard Gere. The only reason this caught my eye was because we just watched Nights in Rodanthe a couple of nights ago and how can you not like Richard Gere in those mushy chick flicks? So I clicked on his profile and this is what I see . . . (You will probably have to click on the graphic to view it bigger.)

I’m trying to figure out if he was excited to have dinner with my father or my nephew . . .

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