Monday, June 22, 2009

A Quick Fix

Somehow, in between the rain showers, Karlo and I managed to squeak in a couple dry kayak rides over the past week. After learning my lesson over and over regarding the camera, or lack there of, this last time I decided to bring my camera (despite the gray skies and threatening clouds). This time I would be ready for whatever action we encountered on the lake. There would be no more missed opportunities, no more perfect pictures that could have been.

We paddled out and I was eager to see what would happen. I had my camera around my neck and turned on. Bring it on . . . I'm ready. And guess what happened?




Absolutely nothing! The winds were strong so reflection pictures were out of the question. There were no birds to be found, no interesting clouds, not one darn thing. I guess bringing my camera is the best way to ensure a boring ride. So we paddled over to the spot that made me cry on a previous trip . . . the spot where we gawked in awe at the bald eagle. Do you remember my description of the perfect perch? Well here it is:

Can't you just picture the beautiful eagle on that perfect bald branch? No? You can't picture it? Here maybe this will help.

There. I feel much better now. Photoshop saved the day. That is pretty much the exact scene that I missed that day. So let's just pretend I took that picture, OK? Nobody really needs to know the truth.

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