Monday, August 9, 2010

A Day at the Beach

I’m skipping ahead to Sunday because it’s more interesting and includes photos. Any story is better when accompanied by photos!

My cousin Jamie is staying down in Newport with his family on vacation for a week so Karlo and I decided to crash his vacation. I was just looking for a good reason to take a topless road trip so off we went. It didn’t start off too good as the temps were in the 60s, no sun was in sight, and I was shivering in the car. But I stuck it out. There was no way I was whimping out and putting that top back up.

Thankfully the temperature gauge went steadily up and before long we were baking in the glory of the Newport traffic. Thames Street never disappoints if you’re looking to take a 2 mile per hour cruise. Luckily we found Jamie before we both melted into puddles on our seats and my good ole cuz hooked me up with some nice free parking. That was pretty sweet.

We spent the first hour strolling up and down Thames Street (one of my favorite Newport past times). Jamie and I had a ball on our “do-it-yourself-not-so-official-Kelby-Photo-Walk.” It seems Jamie and I can talk endlessly about cameras, lens, and photography. Lizzy, Jamie’s oldest, didn’t seem to mind and Julia, the youngest, did a great job at keeping Karlo entertained. I wish I could say it was the other way around, but I’m pretty sure the 5 year old was babysitting the 50 year old!

Karlo posing on the balcony.

From there it was time to hit the beach. Jamie told me to ‘just follow’ him to the parking lot at the beach. We didn’t get 2 feet out of the driveway before we got split up and Lizzy and I were lost. Lizzy insisted in getting a ride in the convertible and now she was my only hope at reuniting with everyone in the van. Jamie tried to call me, but that was no help as my tiny little car has no room for my purse so my phone was ringing away–in the trunk. Not so helpful. Imagine a car that makes a MINI look and feel like a mini-van. Go figure.

Well, we managed to reunite and got to the beach all together. I was very pleased about our previous free parking spree as the beach parking cost $20. Highway robbery as far as I was concerned, but after scoring myself a front row spot where I can keep an eye on baby from the beach I wasn’t too upset. You know, I just wanted to watch as the seagulls pooped into the car. OK, that didn’t really happen, but I was convinced it was going to.

We hung out on the beach for a good long while, had some lunch, watched the kids play in the water and caught up on each other’s lives. It sure was nice. Karlo and I squeaked in a walk on the Cliff Walk, I guess because too many hours had passed without exercise! All in all the day was really nice. Makes me sad to think that the summer is already almost over.

To see more pics from our day, please click here.

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