Monday, August 16, 2010

Pet Names

The other day I was thinking about all the silly pet names we have for our dogs. It all started with Bentley, who quickly became Bents for short. Then that morphed into Benci, which is a Hungarian name (Karlo’s cousin’s name). And his cutesy name was Benci Wenci . . . then I would add “with the meatball eyes” because you know . . . he had meatball eyes!

Next came Peanut, AKA the Nut, or Nuts for short. But of course we couldn’t stop there. She is also fondly known (and responses quite promptly to) Stinky, Slinky, and Princess.

Now Cooper is on the scene and his obvious nickname is Coop, but that quickly became Coopy, Coopy Poopy, Pooper, and of course Pooper Scooper. Yes, I actually call him Pooper Scooper and he comes running. Actually he’ll come happily running to anything that rhymes with Cooper . . . he’s just so excited to be called.

So this thought process also led me to think about the list of nicknames that Karlo calls me. For years he lovingly called me all these names and finally I asked him what they all meant. You ready for this? Here’s the list:

Kacsa - [pronounced Ka-tcha] - the literal translation for this is duck. Funny how he refuses to let me have a duck, but he calls me a duck. Go figure.

Tucsok matyi - [pronounced tu-chuck-mutt-chee] Tucsok means cricket and Karlo said that he just likes the sound of the word. Not really intending to call me a cricket. And the second part is just a nickname for a real Hungarian name which in English is Matias. OK, whatever the heck that is supposed to be all about.

Julcsa - [pronounced uewl-cha] This one makes the cricket sound good. Julsca is the pet name that you would give a cow. Yes, a COW. Sort of like our “Bessie” but it gets even better. Karlo explained that you would use a different variation of the name . . in his exact words, “ . . . if you were talking lovingly to the cow. But if the cow was being bad and you were yelling at it, you would say Uewl CHAAAAAA.” So not only is he calling me a cow, but he’s calling me a bad cow! And this does make me stop to wonder what on earth a cow could be doing that is bad . . . sitting on the furniture, walking over cars, stealing shoes, chewing homework . . .

Cincy-pincy - [pronounced tzincee-pincee] - That first word is pronounced similar to the Italian word for aunt Zizi. I can’t even spell it phonetically. This one loosely translates to little or tiny cat. Given that Karlo doesn’t like cats, this too makes me wonder.

And for his English nicknames . . . he also calls me ‘SweetP’ (finally something truly sweet) and also ‘bad chicken.’ Good grief.

I think I’m going to go work on a new list of new nicknames for him.

So what are your family nicknames? Come on, I told you mine. Nothing can be worse then these!


lgaumond said...

I call Molly "Pup" and she responds to that better than her own name (boring and not very creative, I know).

Luke calls me "Fifi," I have absolutely no idea why, and for some reason I answer to it without even realizing.

michelled said...

Buddy has lots of nicknames. Buddy-boo, Snoopy, Snoopy-doo, Ba-Boo, Handsome.///Chewie is Chew-chew///
Luke gets called Luke-a-day, Luke-ilis//Jack's baseball team calls him JD//Ben's team calls him B-Dunks//Amy gets called Sweet Pea, Amie-Damie and Princess//I call Chris 'Hon' and he calls me 'Shell'

Love your names!!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL!! Those are hysterical! Ok- I'll share one.... I call my little black kitten " My little Babushka". Which the word means one of two..a scarf or an elderly Russian woman! If they only knew-LOL!

Reader from Michigan :)

Unknown said...

Oh, that's funny about the Babushka. Did you see this post: If you hoover your mouse over the photos of Peanut you will see the names of the .jpg files . . . babushka1, babusha2, etc. My definition of a babushka has always been "a scarf worn my an old lady.' LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh My-TOO FUNNY! Those pictures are the best Little Babushka ever! LOL!! Peanut is so cute!!
I think it's a word I love to say out loud too! :)


tina said...

T has always been my nickname by friends and family. the twins started out as stringbean and pumpkin but that only lasted for a few months. now their nickname is A for Alanna and G for Gianna. Taia started out as pumpkin pie and it is still used but only by me and Michael. T is used for her too by her sisters. Michael is know as his full name or Dad or honey. This was fun!